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Interactive Installations : Gathering (2004)
Commissioned by the Art Gallery of Hamilton


Gathering sorting by hue

"Gathering" is a large immersive video installation that gathers moving images of people from outside the building. It separates these images into moving fragments of coherent colour which are then arranged and sorted according to a shifting set of rules across 8 video screens. First, moving people are located by a camera that can pan around the area. They are separated from the background, and then analyzed for colour content. Flesh toned areas are separated from clothing and the clothing is divided into areas of like colour. These moving patches of colour (heads, t-shirts, jeans, coats, hands) are then sorted across the screens. The patches are organized by 3 different sets of rules at different times. In one set of rules, they are sorted by hue along the horizontal and by saturation (colour intensity) along the vertical. In another they are sorted in order of height. In a third, they are positioned according to the spatial location at which they were captured, returning heads to bodies, t-shirts to jeans, etc., spatially reintegrating the fragments, but producing a densely layered crowd.
The works is displayed in a circle of 8 video projections, tilted up at one end to allow you to enter into the space.

Gathering sorted by size


Gathering recapitating the deconstructed pedestrians and returning them to their original spatial locations

This work was commissioned by the Art Gallery of Hamilton for the Sao Paulo Bienal 2004.


Sao Paulo Bienal 2004, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sublime Embrace, Art Gallery of Hamilton, HAmilton, Canada

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Copyright 2007 David Rokeby / very nervous systems / All rights reserved. 01/13/07